Paris: 17 July, 1999

Rain on me...

One day last week it was raining pretty hard so I went out to take a shot, hoping it would come out better than some other shots I took. I really love the rain. and It was POURING!

These actually came out well, as the flash bounced off the rain drops in both pic's. 'Hope you can see it.

Well I've been playing a few jazz gigs, but still not as many as I had hoped. The scene here is difficult, plain and simple. And even more difficult for someone whose strong suit ain't self-promotion. I guess I'm the eternal artist: I just want people to notice me for my playing and not for how much I bothered them for a gig. I've talked to a few players from the states who have all told me that it takes about a year to get it rolling, but again: I'm arrogant. I think it should take ME about a month. But, club owners have plenty of guys like me pestering them, and jam sessions are all full of players like me and they're the ones who get hired instead of the new guy from CA. If I was here with a group ready to go maybe it's different. But in my case, I've got to get hired by the other players, or put together my own trio. But I'm still at it, picking up work here and there.

Right now my buddy Dan Heck is here with his fabulous babe of a girlfriend, Rebecca. They're from Seattle. He's the guitarist on "What Day Is Today?". He and I have done a couple of duet gigs at Nono's place. They went over great! The place was packed both nights (as packed as a little brasserie can get) and the people all were diggin' it! It was fun. Dan and I play well together in this setting.

These are shots from the first night. I forgot my Kodak the second night so I'm waiting for Hamou to print me some shots that I can scan.

On our way to the gig.

Belaide (another drink slinger at Chez Nono), Becca and my 1972 Fender fretless electric bass.

Getting set-up.
Belaide is ever the photo-hound, especially when there's a pretty girl around!

(The girl on the right left without paying her bill: Nono was all pissed!)

At this time the place was about half-full, but by the time we were 20 minutes into our second set the place was packed!

Another shot towards the front of the Relais Magenta.

R-L: me, Jean-Luc, Rabah and Dan.

I consider it a privelege to be playing with Dan. He is such an incredible musician, and a great friend. I learn stuff from him all the time. He wrote out about ten or so new tunes for me to learn for the gigs. He always challenges me musically, and is a spontaneous creator on the job. We bounced musical ideas off of each other all night. If nothing else on this trip I got to play and practise with him, and learn new tunes with him. Thanks Dan!

Ahh, the Love-birds out on the balcony...


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